Wrocław University of Science and Technology

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Department of Metal Forming, Welding and Metrology

6th International Termal Spraying and Hardfacing Conference

Łukasiewicza Street 7

50-371 Wrocław


e-mail: itshc@pwr.edu.pl


In order to submit an abstract, register for a conference or receive any further information about the conference, please contact us:

PhD. Eng. Marcin Winnicki: (+48) 71 320 27 35

PhD. Eng. Paweł Sokołowski: (+48) 71 320 40 68

PhD. Eng. Monika Nowakowska: (+48) 71 320 42 74

PhD. DSc. Eng. Leszek Łatka: (+48) 71 320 21 38

MSc. Eng. Martyna Adach: (+48) 71 320 42 74

MSc. Eng. Tomasz Kiełczawa: (+48) 71 320 42 72